
This page provides practical information on all the Embassies or Consulates located in Greece.

They are all based in the Athens capital, although local offices could also be found in some of the islands (like Rhodes). We hope that you need contact them only in the rare case of an unexpected emergency.
Please refer to the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs for any further information or updates in the given list, and don't forget to add the international dialling code (+30) if you make the call outside Greece, or using your mobile phone:

Albania | 210 6876200 | 7, Vekiareli Street, 152 37, Athens | albem@ath.forthnet.gr

Algeria | 210 7564191 | 14,  Vasileos Constantinou Ave, 116 35, Athens | embalg@otenet.gr

Angola | 210 6898681 | 24, Eleftheriou Venizelou Street, 152 37, Filothei - Athens |info@angolanembassy.gr

Argentina | 210 7224753, 210 7244158 | 59, Vass. Sophias Ave, 115 21, Athens | politica@embar.gr

Armenia | 210 6831130 | 95, Konstantinou Paleologou Ave, 152 32, Halandri | armemb@otenet.gr

Austria | 210 7257270 | 4, Vass. Sofias Ave, 106 74, Athens | athen-ob@bmei.gv.at

Australia | 210 8704000, 210 8704055 | Building Thon, 1-3 Kifisias Ave corner and Alexandras, 115 23, Athens Ambelokipi | ae.athens@dfat.gov.au

Azerbaijan | 210 3632721 | 25, Vass. Sofias Ave, 106 74, Athens | embassy@azembassy.gr

Bangladesh | 210 6720250 | 119, Marathonodromon Street, 154 52, P. Psyhiko

Belgium | 210 3617886, 210 3600314 | 3, Sekeri Street, 106 71, Athens | athens@diplobel.fed.be

Bosnia and Herzegovina | 210 6411375, 210 6410788 | 25, Filellinon Street, 105 57, Athens | ambasbih@otenet.gr

Brazil | 210 7213039, 210 7234450 | 14, Philikis Eterias Sq., 106 73, Athens | embragre@embratenas.gr

Britain | 210 7272600 | 1, Ploutarchou Street, 106 75, Athens | information.athens@fco.gov.uk

Bulgaria | 210 6748106 | 33A, Stratigou Kallari Street, 154 52, P. Psychico | embassbg@otenet.gr

Canada | 210 7273400 | 4, Ioannou Gennadiou Street, 115 21, Athens | athns@international.gc.ca

Chile | 210 8071020 | 317, Kifissias Ave., 145 61, Kifissia | embajada@embachile.gr

China | 210 6783840 | 10-12, Dimokratias Street, 154 52, P. Psychico | chinaemb_gr@mfa.gov.cn

Congo | 210 6776123 | 20, Kodrou Street, 152 31, Halandri | ambathenes@minaffecirdc.cd

Croatia | 210 6777033, 210 6777049 | 4, Tzavela Street, 154 51, Psychico | croemb.athens@mvpei.hr

Cuba | 210 6855550 | 5, Sophokleous Street, 152 37, Filothei | embacubagr@embacuba.gr

Cyprus | 210 3734800 | 2A, Xenofontos Street, 105 57, Athens | cyempkl@hol.gr

Czech Republic | 210 6713755 | 6, Georgiou Seferi Street, 154 52, P. Psychico | athens@embassy.mzv.cz

Denmark | 210 7256440 | 10, Mourouzi Street, 106 74, Athens | ambathen@um.dk

Egypt | 210 3618612 | 3, Vass. Sophias Ave,  106 71, Athens | emb.egypt@yahoo.gr

Estonia | 210 7475660 | "Athens-Tower" Building 2-4, Messoghion Ave., 115 27, Athens | embassy.athens@mfa.ee

Finland | 210 7255860 | 5, Hatziyianni Mexi Street, 115 28, Athens | sanomat.ate@formin.fi

France | 210 3391000 | 7, Vass. Sophias Ave, 106 71, Athens | ambafran@first.gr

Georgia | 210 6742186 | 27, Taygetou Street & Marathonodromon Street, 154 52, P. Psychico | embassygeo@hol.gr

Germany | 210 7285111 | 3, Karaoli Street & Dimitriou Street,106 75, Kolonaki - Athens | info@athen.diplo.de

Hungary | 210 7256800 | 25-29, Karneadou Street, 106 75, Kolonaki Athens | mission.ath@kum.hu

India | 210 7216481, 210 7216227 | 3, Kleanthous Street, 106 74, Athens | embassy@indianembassy.gr

Indonesia | 210 6742345, 210 6746418 | 99, Marathonodromon Street, 154 52, P. Psychico | indathgr@otenet.gr

Iran | 210 6741436, 210 6741783 | 16, Stratigou Kalari Street, 154 52, Psychico | irembatn@otenet.gr

Iraq | 210 6722330 | 4, Mazaraki Street, 154 52, P. Psichico | iraqath@otenet.gr

Ireland | 210 7232771 | 7, V. Constantinou Street, 106 74, Athens | athensembassy@dfa.ie

Israel | 210 6705500 | 1, Marathonodromon Street, 154 52, P. Psychico | ambassadorsec@athens.mfa.gov.il

Italy | 210 3617260 | 2, Sekeri Street, 106 74, Athens | ambasciata.atene@esteri.it

Japan | 210 6709900 | 46, Ethnikis Andistasseos Street, 152 31, Halandri Athens | embjapan@otenet.gr

Jordan | 210 6744161|21, Papadiamanti Street, 154 52, Psychico | jor_emb1@otenet.gr

Kazakhstan | 210 6515643 | 122, Imittou Street, 156 69, Papagou | dpmath@otenet.gr

Korea | 210 6984080 | "Athens Tower" A-Building 19th floor, 2-4, Messoghion Ave, 11524, Athens | gremb@mofat.go.kr

Kuwait | 210 6743593 | 2, Perikleous Street, 154 51, P. Psychico | kuwemath@otenet.gr

Latvia | 210 7294483 | 38, Vas. Constantinou Ave, 116 35, Athens | embassy.greece@mfa.gov.lv

Lebanon | 210 6755873, 210 6755612 | 6, 25 Martiou Street, 154 52,  P. Psychico | grlibemb@yahoo.com

Libya | 210 6742120 | 13, Vyronos Street, 154 52, Psychico

Lithuania | 210 7294356 | 38, Vass. Constantinou Ave, 116 35, Athens | amb.gr@urm.lt

Luxembourg | 210 7256400 | 23A, V. Sophias Ave & 2 N.Vamva Street, 106 74, Athens | athenes.amb@mae.etat.lu

Macedonia | 210 6749585 | 4, Papadiamanti Street,  154 52, P. Psychico | psichiko@otenet.gr

Malta | 210 7785138 | 96, Vass. Sophias Ave, 115 21, Athens | maltaembassy.athens@gov.mt

Mexico | 210 7294780 | 14, Filikis Etairias Sq., 106 73, Athens | embgrecia@sre.gob.mx

Moldova | 210 6990372 | 20, Georgiou Bacu Street, 115 24, N. Filothei Athens | atena@mfa.md

Montenegro | 210 7241212 |5,Loukianou Street, 106 75, Athens | greece@mfa.gov.me

Morocco | 210 6744209 | 5, Marathonodromon Street, 154 52, Athens | sifamath@ otenet.gr

Netherlands | 210 7254900 | 5-7, V. Constantinou Ave, 106 74, Athens | ath@minbuza.nl

Nigeria | 210 8021168 | 9, Sarantaporou Street & Kalavryton Street, 151 24, Maroussi | Ngrathen@otenet.gr

Norway | 210 7246173 | 23,  Vass. Sophias Ave, 106 74, Athens | emb.athens@mfa.no

Pakistan | 210 7290122 | 6, Loukianou Street, 106 75, Athens | info@pak-embassy.gr

Palestine | 210 6726061 | 13, Giassemion Street, 154 52,  P. Psychico | falastin@otenet.gr

Panama | 210 4286441 | 192, Praxitelous Street & 2AS Merarchias Street, 185 35, Piraeus | panpir5@otenet.gr

Peru | 210 7792761 | 2, Koumbari Street, 106 74, Athens | lepruate@otenet.gr

Philippines|210 6721883|26, Antheon Street, 154 52, P. Psychico|athenspe@dfa.gov.ph

Poland | 210 6797700 | 22, Chryssanthemon Street, 154 52, P. Psychico | ambpol@otenet.gr

Portugal | 210 7236784, 210 7290096 | 23, Vass. Sophias Ave, 106 74, Athens | embportg@otenet.gr

Qatar | 210 7255031 | 16A, Rigillis Street, 106 74, Athens

Romania | 210 6728875 | 7, Emmanuel Benaki Street, 154 52, P. Psychico | romaniaembassy@romadsl.ondsl.gr

Russia | 210 6725235, 210 6726130 | 28, Nikiforou Litra Street, 154 52, P. Psychico | embraf@otenet.gr

Saudi Arabia | 210 6718250, 210 6716911 | 2, Palaiologhou Street & Agias Annis,15232, Halandri | gremb@mofa.gov.sa**

Serbia | 210 7774344 | 106, Vass. Sophias Ave, 115 27, Athens | beograd@hol.gr

Slovakia | 210 6771980 | 4, Georgiou Seferi Street, 154 52, Psychico | embassy@athens.mfa.sk

Slovenia | 210 6720090 | 280, Kifissias Ave & 1, Dimokratias Street, 154 52, Psychico | vat@gov.si

South Africa | 210 6178020 | 60, Kifissias Ave,151 25, Maroussi | athens.info@foreign.gov.za

Spain | 210 9213123, 210 9213237 | 21,  Dion. Areopagitou Street, 117 42, Athens | emb-esp@otenet.gr

Sudan | 210 6742521 | 6, Mousson Street, 154 52, P. Psychico

Sweden | 210 7266100 | 7, V. Constantinou Ave, 106 74, Athens | ambassaden.athen@foreign.ministry.se

Switzerland | 210 7230364 | 2, Iassiou Street, 115 21, Athens | ath.vertretung@eda.admin.ch

Syria | 210 6725577 | 61, Diamandidou Street, 154 52, Psychico | syrembas@otenet.gr

Thailand | 210 6749065, 210 6710155 | 25, Street Marathonodromon & Kyprou Street, 154 52, Psychico | thaiath@otenet.gr

Tunisia | 210 6717590 | 2, Antheon Street & Marathonodromon Street, 154 52, P. Psychico | atathina@otenet.gr

Turkey | 210 7263000 | 8, Vass. Georgiou II Street, 106 74, Athens | info@tutkishembasy.ondsl.gr

Ukraine | 210 6800230 | 2, Stefanou Delta Street, 152 37, Filothei | emb_gr@mfa.gov.ua

United Arab Emirates | 210 6770220 | 290, Kifissias Ave & 2 St.Paritsa, 154 51, N. Psychico

USA | 210 7212951, 210 7294301 | 91, Vass. Sophias Ave, 101 60, Athens | usembassy@usembassy.gr

Uruguay | 210 3602635 | 1, Menandrou Street, 145 61, Kifissia | urugrec@otenet.gr

Vatican | 210 6743598 | 2, Mavili Street, 154 52, Psychico | nunate@ath.forthnet.gr

Venezuela | 210 6729169, 210 6721274 | 19, Marathonodromon Street, 154 52,  P. Psychico | emvenath@hol.gr

Vietnam | 210 6128733 | 54, Iereos Doussi Street, 151 22, Marousi | vnemb.gr@mofa.gov.vn